LWOFF, ANDRE. Some problems connected with spontaneous biochemicaJ mutations inMACDOWELL, E. C. Variation in leukemic cells of mice 156 MCCARTY, MACLYN, TAYLOR, HARRIET E., AND AVERY, O. T. Biochemical studies of environmental factors essential in transformation of pneumococcal types 177 PIRIE, N. W. The state of viruses in the infected cell 184 PONTECORVO, G. Genetic systems based on heterocaryosis 193 RHOADES, M. M. Plastid mutations 156 RICHARDS, OSCAR W. Biological phase microscopy 208 RYAN, FRANCIS J. Back-mutation and adaptation of nutritional mutants 215 SHAPIRO, ARTHUR. The kinetics of growth and mutation in bacteria 228 SONNEBORN, T. M. Experimental control of the concentration of cytoplasmic genetic factors in Para Mecium 236 SPIEGELMAN, S. Nuclear and cytoplasmic factors controlling enzymatic constitution 256 TATUM, E. L. Induced biochemical mutations in bacteria 278 VAN NIEL, C. B. The classification and natural relationships of bacteria 285 APPENDIX. Nomenclature of nutritional types of microorganisms 302